Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Assignment 13 Stop Action

Assignment Description 

Photograph something in action that you can’t see with the naked eye.  Use a camera and flash combination on manual attached to the hot shoe or the off camera cord.  The flash should be dialed down to 1/16 power or less in order to achieve a flash duration of 1/10,000 or less.  Examples are splashing water or stopping a fans blades with a ribbon attached.  I want these images super sharp with no blurs. 

- with high sync & 1/16 power

Post a photograph that you like the lighting and that you wish to emulate. Sketch out how you think it was lit. You can use this file to make your sketch:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Assignment 12 Night Photography

Assignment Description 

Go outside between dusk and dawn using whatever existing light is available recognizing the properties of light we learned and used in the studio and how it occurs at night.  Make a photograph that is surprising by what it reveals.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Assignment 11 Light Painting

Assignment Description 

1. Make a photograph using flash as a painting tool.

2. Make a photograph using a continuous light source as a
painting too.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Assignment 10 Canon Transmitter ST-E3=RT and 600EX-RT Flash

Assignment Description 

Take a picture of the ambient light in the room at the f stop and shutter speed you will be using.  It should come out black. Post this picture with it's settings.

Post the the progression of images (ie one light, 2 lights, 3 lights etc) with final exposure for each shot (should all be the same)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Assignment 9 Canon Dedicated Flash

Assignment Description 

Use direct flash on camera Aperature Priority (Av) setting at 1/200 sec shutter speed

Use direct flash off camera Aperature Priority (Av) setting at 1/200 sec shutter speed

Use flash fill Aperture Priority Auto shutter speed

Use flash with modifier (Bounce card, bank or ceiling) Aperature Priority (Av) setting at 1/200 sec shutter speed. Set the E-TTL II meter to Average.  Release the flash head from the straight ahead position so that the distance calculation is not used in the metering.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Assignment 8 Outdoor Flash

Assignment Description 

1. Make a portrait where the person’s face and the background are the same exposure.

2. Make a portrait where the person’s face is exposed one stop under and the background is normally exposed.  Drop the power of the strobe by one stop keeping the f stop the same.

3. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is one stop under.

4. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is two stops under.

All four should be photographed in exactly the same place to make it earier to compare the results.

This is a test for your reference and should be laid out accordingly.

Print your f stop and shutter speeds.

Subject should be 2 or 3 stops darker than background.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Assignment 7 Strobe and Continuous Light

Assignment Description 

Set the camera on Strobe light balance.

Photograph a person with just the strobe light on the person
Photograph a person with just the tungsten light on the background
Photograph a person using strobe on the person and tungsten
on the background combined
Try some with motion.

Set the camera on Tungsten light balance.
Photograph a person with just the strobe light on the background
Photograph a person with just the tungsten light on the person
Photograph a person using strobe on the background and tungsten
on the person combined
Try some with motion.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Assignment 6 Size Matters

Take two portraits of a person one with the 21" Beauty Dish and one with the Octabank and get the same results by using the placement of the subject, the light and the background. Look at results from class demonstration for ideas.


Beauty dish

Friday, February 13, 2015

Assignment 5 One Strobe and a Softbox

Photo 1

Using one strobe with a small softbox, light a person against a white background so that their face has a highlight and shadow side. The background should appear darker on the highlight side and the lighter on the shadow side.

Photo 2
Using one strobe with a small softbox, light a person against a white background so that their face is evenly lit and the background is black.

P.S. I used small macro strobe from the top

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Assignment 4 Three Light Portrait

Assignment Description 

Using classic Rembrandt light (45 to side 45 up) create a portrait with key (650 Arri), fill (300 Arri) and backlight or background light (650 Arri) Use an EV between 1.5 and 3. Check the class blog under Lesson 4 to see how it should be laid out. Each student in a group should do this exercise because no two faces are alike.

Using three lights invent your own formula.
Post one separate finished photograph for this one.  Each student does there own version

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Assignment 3 One Light

Assignment Description 

Using the 250 watt halogen bulb in the equipment closet, make a portrait by selecting a quality and direction of light to communicate an emotion that you feel about a person. Make an additional portrait that reflects the opposite feeling you have about the person. Explain in writing the laws of light that were at work in each portrait.

i. active personality with full of curiosity 

-the direction of the light comes from top-front to reveal her whole face while preserving a sense of dimension. 
-the diffusion is placed in front of the light to minimize the highlight (overexposure) on her skin. 
-the silver reflect is placed bellow her face to prevent the shadow cast on the bottom side of her face.

2. passive but calm personality 

-the direction of the light comes from left side to create certain mood with strong shadow. 
-the diffusion is placed in front of the light to minimize the highlight (overexposure) on her skin. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Assignment 2 the 3 Laws of Light

Assignment Description 

In one photograph using one light source clearly demonstrate the 3 laws of light at work. Include the light source in the photograph. The subject is the light. Think of it as more of a physics project than a photograph. Use a dodging tool  to prevent the light from flaring the lens.  Try to crop out any rigging you might use and make the image about the light.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Assignment 1 Inverse Square Law

Assignment Description 

1. Using 3 identical 4x5 grey cards set 1 foot apart, overlapping slightly and placed at a 45 degree angle from the camera angle. Make 4 photographs of the cards with the light 2 feet, 4 feet, 8 feet, 16 feet and 32 feet from the middle card. Use an incident meter on the middle card to give the correct exposure. The middle card should have the same value on each photograph.  Use Lightroom to weak the middle card until they all read the same value.

2. Use 3 4x5 cards a black card in front, a grey card in the middle and a white card in the back. Using the same single point source make all 3 cards appear to be the same value. You can move the cards and the light source until it works.