Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Assignment 9 Canon Dedicated Flash

Assignment Description 

Use direct flash on camera Aperature Priority (Av) setting at 1/200 sec shutter speed

Use direct flash off camera Aperature Priority (Av) setting at 1/200 sec shutter speed

Use flash fill Aperture Priority Auto shutter speed

Use flash with modifier (Bounce card, bank or ceiling) Aperature Priority (Av) setting at 1/200 sec shutter speed. Set the E-TTL II meter to Average.  Release the flash head from the straight ahead position so that the distance calculation is not used in the metering.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Assignment 8 Outdoor Flash

Assignment Description 

1. Make a portrait where the person’s face and the background are the same exposure.

2. Make a portrait where the person’s face is exposed one stop under and the background is normally exposed.  Drop the power of the strobe by one stop keeping the f stop the same.

3. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is one stop under.

4. Make a portrait where the person’s face is normally exposed and the background is two stops under.

All four should be photographed in exactly the same place to make it earier to compare the results.

This is a test for your reference and should be laid out accordingly.

Print your f stop and shutter speeds.

Subject should be 2 or 3 stops darker than background.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Assignment 7 Strobe and Continuous Light

Assignment Description 

Set the camera on Strobe light balance.

Photograph a person with just the strobe light on the person
Photograph a person with just the tungsten light on the background
Photograph a person using strobe on the person and tungsten
on the background combined
Try some with motion.

Set the camera on Tungsten light balance.
Photograph a person with just the strobe light on the background
Photograph a person with just the tungsten light on the person
Photograph a person using strobe on the background and tungsten
on the person combined
Try some with motion.